Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Re: Wedding Photography Workshop

heydemann art of photography
Dirk Heydemann
Heydemann Art of Photography
3531 Monterey Drive
Nanaimo BC
For Immediate Release

Re: Wedding Photography Workshop

Heydemann Art of Photography is proud to present the second in a series of photography workshops for the up and coming photographer. Following the success of the studio portrait lighting class, Dirk Heydemann has put together a comprehensive class allowing students a full day of hands on experience working in a wedding setting with models, makeup artists, hairdressers and fashion stylists. Dirk will provide a fun setting for student photographers to explore and experiment with new ideas in a supportive environment. The details are as follows:

Saturday February 6th 10am – 4:30 pm at St Andrews United Church on Wesley Street in Nanaimo
• Plenty of shooting time and “hands on” experience
• Working with a variety of models throughout the day
• Lunch, snacks and beverages provided
• Topics to be covered are:
Looking for the “RIGHT” light
Posing tips for the bride and groom
Working/shooting with available light

Also included will be a gathering at the studio of Heydemann Art of Photography on the evening of Sunday February 7th , where students will display their images and be given feedback on their day’s work.


Book before January 15th $187.00 plus GST
After January 16th $237.00 plus GST
Bring someone with you and pay only $165.00 plus GST

There is limited space for this event, so book today!

Contact Dirk @ 250 729 5444 /

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